Cloud Tales - Episode 01: Featuring Jason Chan

A limited series that Shares the Stories and journeys of industry cloud heroes

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There’s a cloud security hero in all of us. There has to be, because there aren’t enough “experts” in the world to secure everyone’s cloud. Introducing Cloud Tales, a monthly event where we sit down with a cloud hero and discuss their journey in the quest to securing their cloud environments. No slides, no agenda, just some stories from practitioners and leaders alike that covers some of their conquests and challenges along the way. In our first episode, join Jason Chan, former VP of Information Security at Netflix. During this time you can:

  • Hear about some of the challenges Jason faced in his journey to the cloud as he built Netflix's security team
  • Learn about his career growth from an Information Technology Systems Technician to VP of Information Security
  • Hear about questions and challenges others posed to Jason during the episode 

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Our Speakers 

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Jason Chan

Jason Chan is the former VP of Information Security at Netflix. He has more than twenty years of cybersecurity experience and is especially passionate about large-scale systems, cloud security, and improving security in modern software development practices.

Jason Martin 

 Jason is the former EVP, Products & Engineering FireEye/Mandiant. He has over 25+ years in cybersecurity and is also a conference organizer (Shakacon), author and investor.

Paul Nguyen

Former SVP of Product Strategy and Product Management at FireEye. 25+ years in security from white hat hacker at @stake (Symantec) and Neohapsis (Cisco) to godfather of Security Orchestration with Invotas (acquired by FireEye)